Christmas For My Enemies
Christmas…the most wonderful time of the year! So says…most people.
Me? I love Christmas, simply because it’s the celebration of Christ’s birth. However, when it comes to decorating, shopping and all the fanfare that’s associated with it, that’s where you lose me. I’m not against it, I’m just not a normal participant. Now, I don’t want you to think I’m a scrooge, I just don’t put so much energy in the actual day, but I make sure to enjoy the season as a whole.
Now, one of the big concepts of this season is giving. This is a principle I believe in all year. Giving as we all know can present itself in numerous ways: time, talent, money, food or other tangible things. In whatever form I can, I always give. If someone needs something and I have it or have access to someone who does, I make sure that person has it. As a Believer, I always refer to the scripture (I’m paraphrasing) that says, if you have a person’s need in your hand, you shouldn’t send them away with a “prayer” for what they need, when their answer is in your hand.
Why did I say all of that?
I enjoy giving and seeing the happiness on people’s faces when they receive things they need and want. It’s so much fun! However, a few Christmases ago, I did something that I’d never done…
I bought my enemies a Christmas present.
Ok…I will spare you the details as to who they were (lol), but I ended up doing it due to some unfortunate circumstances. I had been put in a situation where I wasn’t treated fairly, was misunderstood and had my character assassinated.
And why did all of this happen? Because I was just being myself.
I now understand that I have enemies because of who I am (African American and a Believer) and not what I’ve done. This might be confusing, but let me explain. There are some people who you’ve never met, that feel some kind of way about you. Take celebrities for example. They have stalkers or people who are out to harm them and they’ve never had any kind of relationship or interaction with those people.
All I’m saying is that you don’t have to do anything to gain an enemy…you can unknowingly have plenty of them!
In my Faith, I am taught that enemies are not bad, but necessary. I’m taught that although they are present, the God I serve, is bigger than their presence. An enemy’s intent is ALWAYS evil, but God’s plan for my life dismisses ANY evil intent or plan. Although you may have multiple enemies, there is ONE enemy/spirit working in all of them. But because I have been taught and have experienced the MIGHT and POWER of God, I understand that an enemy is no reason to fold or walk. I stand and fight already knowing the outcome before the finish!!!
My relationship and experience with God, gives me the confidence to trust ANYthing He says to me, even when it sounds crazy! So with that being said, He…God that is…told me to buy my enemy a gift for His Birthday. I must admit, my response was…
I know…I just said that I have the confidence to trust what He says…IIIIIIIII know. But…I never said that I didn’t have some questions sometimes! I understand that I also must love my enemy, but buying a gift seemed like a wee bit much…lol!
After a long pause, I just said, “Ok.”
Was the gift huge? No.
Was the gift expensive? No.
What was the point? I’ll tell you.
When I bought my enemies a gift, I gave them an unforgettable memory. How? Well, whenever they see me after that Christmas gift? They will always remember what they did to me.
When I bought my enemies a gift, I reminded them that they’re description of me was false. How?
If I possessed the character they said I did, that person would never be capable of doing that.
When I bought my enemies a gift, I took the joy out of their future plans. How?
Any action from that point on wouldn’t be any fun because their present actions didn’t stop my kindness.
When I bought my enemies a gift, I permanently muted their voice. How?
What can you say about a person who gives you something you don’t deserve? Absolutely nothing.
There is a promise concerning my enemies that God made me…He said He’d make them my footstool. Now, a footstool can be used for two things: propping up and standing. To prop my feet up suggests that I’m relaxed and to stand suggests that I’m now higher than I once was. Either one I choose to use it for, elevates me! You don’t need a stool to go down, only to go up.
Going up gets you to certain destinations faster. You know, you can drive from New York to California, but if you fly, you’ll get there muuuuuuch faster, right?
With a footstool, you have the ability to reach some things that you other wise couldn’t. You gain height. And with height, you get vision. A seven foot tall person can see much further and way more than a five foot tall person!
You can see where I’m going with this right?
As much as it was a stretch to do so, as soon as I put that gift in their hands, I became the beneficiary of my own giving!
What a Christmas to remember! Now I have a whole new perspective on this holiday. Giving will always be a blessing to the recipient and you.
So…in a nutshell, I bought my enemies a front row seat to my elevation and the peace of God in my life. The people who tried to take the “merry” out of my Christmas, actually made it the best Christmas EVER.
Thanks to my enemies, I realized that Christ gave to those who didn’t necessarily deserve it either, like myself.
Yeah…from that Christmas to this one…Merry Christmas, to me😊

This part was worth the price of admission in itself! "You don’t need a stool to go down, only to go up." Good stuff, Sis!
blessed by being obedient and humbling yourself!! Thanks for the reminder!! Tough stuff!!