Why Am I Holding On?
In a world of technology and gadgets, there are many people who “keep up” with the latest of everything.

“I had an iPhone 6…in 2019 (the iphone 11 was the current one). That says it all"
In a world of technology and gadgets, there are many people who “keep up” with the latest of everything. Whether it’s a computer, iPad, car, TV or phone, there are those who are never behind. Me? I’m definitely not apart of the up-to-date population. Never have been.
I had an iPhone 6…in 2019 (the iphone 11 was the current one). That says it all right?
So one day as I’m at the hair salon, I asked my beautician Stephanie, could we pause in order for me to plug up my phone to charge. I made the comment that my battery goes down quickly and that I just really needed to get a new phone. Knowing the other issues with my phone, her response was, “Yeah…you need a new one. It’s time to let that one go.” Once she said it, we both laughed as she
continued to do my hair. Now as simple as that statement was, for some reason, I
immediately thought:
“Why am I holding on to this phone, knowing that it’s only going to get worse????”
And my next thought was…
“What else am I holding on to?”
Then I had a whole mental therapy session…lol! Her innocent and very true statement caused me to think about eeeeverything I’d held on to in the past: people/relationships, situations, feelings, unforgiveness, fear, the “idea” of something…
I realized in that moment that what I’d decided to hold on to, has kept me from experiencing so many good things! I held on to people because the thought of things not staying the “same” made me afraid. When realistically, the way things were, just wasn’t good for me in anyway. Actually, it was toxic. A growth stunter. Hinderance. I learned that holding on is somewhat of a silent killer. I wouldn’t
loosen my grip because I didn’t want to lose…but what I didn’t know was that I’d already lost---time…emotion…mental capacity…energy. You see, holding on is like putting your hand on a hot iron. A hot iron on wrinkled clothing, is a match made in heaven. However, a hot iron with your hand on it,
only hurts you. The longer you keep your hand there, the worse the burn and condition of your hand. The iron is never affected. Only. YOU.
I think you get my drift.
From the smallest scenario to the largest, principles are the same. I held on to an old phone as well as a lot of other things, for the same reasons: comfort…familiarity… fear of change. My goal is to now learn the art of “letting go”. It just might be a lifesaver!
I still took me until 2020 to get a new one.
What are you holding on to? Maybe we can learn to “let go”, together.