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Bad Boy Strategy

The other day as I was cleaning up around my apartment, for some reason, I had a veryyyyy random thought. (This is what happens when you live alone and your mind is thinking of a million things at once…lol) I thought aloud, “Why do people in the movies always let their enemy know that they’re on to them? What sense does that make?”  Because as soon as they do, then everything goes haywire and it’s even harder to reel them in so the right person/people can have the victory that’s due them.

You know we’ve all seen it.  There’s the one lady or guy, who yells, “I know what you did! I know you’re not who you say you are!” Or “Did you think I wouldn’t find out that it’s you?”  And then what always happens? The story goes to 1000!! There’s a fight or some near death experience before we get to see if who we’re rooting for, comes out just fine. And sometimes, even worse, the person that “exposes” their enemy too early, has an undeserving end…all because they spoke too soon.

Typical movie plot, right?

As odd as it was that I had this thought, later that evening, I went to see the new “Bad Boys” movie (which I loved by the way).  Without spoiling it too much for those of you who may not have seen it yet, there’s a couple who is 50% dishonest/suspect (meaning, one of them can't be trusted).  On the brink of uncovering the culprit behind the horrible things happening, one spouse finds out that the other spouse has been part of some prettttty dirty and underhanded activity, which affected someone they all loved.  The couple then gets on an elevator. As they're standing next to each other on the elevator, the spouse who knows about their crooked partner, starts asking questions and being paranoid. Then, you know…a fight broke out and there's blood, cracked glass, the whole nine! But had the exposure been delayed until the mission was accomplished, there would've still been a way to get the desired result! I’ll stop there, as to not say anymore, but for those of you who saw it, I’m sure you can agree that it could’ve waited juuuust a tad bit.

And so, it goes with us---real people, living real life and not on a “created” movie set.  Because we don’t know the script already, we must use wisdom…even with our enemy.  Sometimes we want so badly to let our opposition know, that we know, they’re not for us.  What’s the point in doing that?  I mean…really…why is that important?  Maybe it gives some a feeling of control of the situation, some sort of dominance, or maybe just simply, the satisfaction of “exposing” someone for not being a good person.

Ultimately, letting your enemy know that you’re on to them does something not in your favor. I know…you’re like, what are you talking about and how is that possible? When you tell someone that you’re aware of their negativity towards you, it causes them to either change their behavior, completely stop, or go to 1000…lol!  But here’s the unfavorable part:

You no longer get to study their strategy.

Now I realize that this may not be an earth-shattering statement to you, but studying your opponent only helps you win.

Yep…knowing how your enemy moves, teaches you how to move!  Whether it’s a professional or personal relationship, you can always benefit from studying a person! Here’s the are more than likely to encounter more than one person with negativity in life, right?  So why wouldn’t you want to know all the possible moves of an enemy so you can always be ready for whatever is thrown your way? And you might actually learn something to incorporate in your own method of movement...minus the ill intent of course:)

Studying the strategy of your enemy increases your wisdom (multiple ways to defend yourself and sometimes others), decreases your stress (because you’re familiar with his pattern), and keeps you sharp (you never get complacent).  Do you understand what I’m trying to say? Good! I knew you would.

Last thing, I promise.  Once, I was asking God what book or passage of scripture I needed to study next.  And He said, “Study the devil.” 

My response?  “I don’t care what he’s doing!” But then God said to me, “He’s your enemy, you need to study his moves, so you can tell when it’s him or Me.”

My response? Complete silence. Lol!!!

It was then that I realized that knowing the strategy of my enemy would save my life.

Ok, I know you get what I’m saying now. So, with all that I’ve said, what will your “Bad Boy” strategy be from now on?  Don’t spend so much time dismissing your enemy, but start studying their strategy and watch how sharp yours becomes.

I’d love to hear what happens.





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